Auror's Realm

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Job Openings

Currently we have several Job Openings:

News Poster

News Gatherer

SE Worker

Image Maker

Content Builder


If you have an idea for our site and it needs a manager to maintain it, please list your idea and that job. We will look over it and decide if we will use it.

If you are interested in applying for any of the listed jobs, please contact us at We will soon have a staff page where your name can be seen if you choose to apply to be on the staff, and if you are picked. Please note: We can't hire everyone!


News Poster:

You have the job of getting the news from the News Gatherer and posting it on the site. You are required to put Posted by: and Gathered by: . You may use your real name or a codename when posting. E-mail us for details.

News Gatherer:

You have the job of going to various news sources and gathering the latest info and getting it to the News Poster. You have to put where you got the news or info from because we don't want to be violating any copryright laws. The subject of your news needs to be about Harry Potter, JK Rowling, Supernatural topics (such as ghosts), or other things Potter fans would enjoy finding out about. E-mail us or details.

SE Worker (Search Engine Worker):

You have the job of submitting our site to search engines, starting e-mail chains about our site, etc. E-mail us for details.

Image Maker:

You have to have at least one of the following programs-

Abobe Photoshop (any of them)

Jasc Paint Shop Pro

You must have knowledge of these programs as well.

Content Builder:

You have the job of coming up with ideas for new pages and creating these pages.


You research Harry Potter topics, find and post interviews with HP stars, Find clues in the books, and other things like that.

      For further information, e-mail us at After applying, we will send you a more detailed description of the job. Note: you can quit at any given time, but we can suspend you from the site, or fire you if you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing.

Please copy and paste the following questions onto an e-mail and send it in with the questions answered.

1.) What is your first name?

2.) What would you like your codename to be, if you want one? (On the staff page we will list your first name and your codename so that they will know who you are.)

3.) What job would you like?

4.) Why do you want that job?

5.) Why do you want to be a staff member of  HPFU?

6.) How many times a week are you on the internet? Hours a day?

7.) How old are you?

8.) What do you in your free time besides going on the web?

9.) If you couldn't have your first choice of a job, what would be your second choice?

10.) Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter?

Thanks for your time.

April Auror's Realm Webmistress

Email all suggestions to-



E-mail me!