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oh, apparently so!

Below are the opinions HP fans have sent in. Send in your own opinion today!- Wow that sounded strangely like a TV commercial....

Harry Potter Protestors Unite!


This was written by Alyssa .
"I've heard a lot of people say that Harry Potter is evil or bad. Its kinda funny in a way because its just harmless fun, but they do have a point. Now normally, I would atually side with these people. Witchcraft is considered bad and usually nothing good comes of it. But anwser me this: Does J.K. Rowling make Harry and his friends evil or bad? No! Yes they get into a little trouble sometimes but does that mean that they are evil of bad? No! Is J.K. Rowling trying to make you use witchcraft, or even hinting at it? No! Its just good hearted fun, with a few morals: bravery, courage, honesty and the good side always winnig in the end. Are the kids around the world attracted to it because they want to use witchcraft of glorify it? Nope, they love it because its funny, full of adventure and exciting. Sounds like you're ordinary fairy tale. Have you ever heard of a fairy tale having negative effects on anyone before?
Alyssa A.


This was written by Hannah (fan)
"I agree with you, its just a wonderful story that has probrably gotten more kids to read than Hooked on Phonics or any other stupid stuff like that. Harry Potter gave me an outstanding source of entertainment that wasn't TV or computer related. I have wanted to say that for so long now!"
Thanks Hannah

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This was written by Aaron (webmaster)

I think Harry Potter is a wonderful story. If you haven't read Harry Potter how can you protest about something you don't know about. Mabye the concept of wizardry is evil to you. It isn't. Like Alyssa said, that is just the fun part about it. There are so many Christian values in Harry Potter. If you don't believe read "The Gospel According to Harry Potter." This book points out all the Christian values in Harry Potter. Or you could just read the books yourself. I highly recommend them.

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This was written by Kaley

I agree with Alyssa. I am so tired of people saying that Harry Potter is evil. Most of those people haven't even read it before! They don't have any idea what they are talking about. And if they do read it and they don't like it that doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't be able to read it! You can express your opinions and even though I don't agree with it, I respect it. You just need to respect OUR opinions and not try to tell us that we are wrong.
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This was written by April (webmistress)
I think Harry Potter is awesome! Of course you can tell since I have a website. JK Rowling just has an amazing imagination that created Harry Potter for her own entertainment. If she only created Harry Potter to please herself, please tell me how you could think she wanted people to practice witchcraft and that's why she wrote the Potter series. If you look at what all she has said, you can peice it together and see that she's a nice writer who happened to make it big with this series. She's not out to get everyone and make them evil. That's what I think.


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    Harry Potter is awesome. The heck with the idiots who think its evil. I think they are just stupid and had nothing to complain about so they just said, "Oh, witchcraft is bad and so is wizardry so lets get people to hate Harry Potter." I also think that they are jealous of Rowling. She's a billionaire and an imaginative literary genius. You dont need "The Gospel According to Harry Potter" to tell that its not evil. JUST READ THE FREAKIN BOOK!!!! Thats all I have to say about that matter.
I think it is so incredibly ridiculous that people would even CONSIDER Harry Potter and his friends in the books and movies to be "evil" witches and wizards. Yes, they do magic, but they obviously do not worship the devil or anything because they celebrate Christmas and Easter like we do in real life! HELLO! Those people who think that need to stop thinking so hard

Opinions of Book 5

Aaron (webmaster) I thought the 5th book wasn't as good as the others. I didn't like how Harry got mad at everything. Yes, he has a lot of stress but don't you think he could have been a little nicer to other people instead of being a whinny baby. I didn't like how he blamed Snape for everthing. Snape did everything he could about Sirius. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the book but it wasn't my favorite.

     April (webmistriss) I think that the fifth Harry potter book was awesome despite all of the sad things that happen. When you are reading it you actually feel sad for Harry or angry for Harry or happy for him. Even though Harry is not real, you get into the book that was the best book i have ever read! JK Rowling strikes again! She has not yet lost her touch!!!


     Andrea: "i love the hp series but this was definitaly not my favorite book of them all! it was was totaly different than the others.  too different! don't get me wrong, i love the books.the worst part was that everyone was a butt! harry yelled to much. the chances are that if u were to just open the book to any page, he or someone else would be yelling their head off. it's kinda violent ( but intresting)! dumbldore got on my last nerve. after all harry has been through he should have told harry in year 3! then sirius( my absolute favorite character) wouldn't have died!-- I CRIED ALL NIGHT-- and u can ask hannah b.  she was there! and it is hard to get me mad - i'm always happy-ask hannah,miranda(guest book),aaron, or april.  they know!! ron and hermione acted like sidekicks or lackies, they r supposed to be friends! kreacher, i want to chop off his head and put it on a dinner plate b/c he was a BEEP.i'll make his dream come true. cho is very lost. she needs to pick a guy and stay with him. i understand she's sad but she can't do this to harry. no guy deerves it. other than these few minor mishaps it was a really good book. lupin was awesome! sirius was cool (up until he died). and it had a great story line. whoever reads this is gonna think i'm a nut but i love harry potter. and last but definitely not least sean biggerstaff (oliver wood) is the hottie with an accent."              


 I THINK THE BOOK WAS FRIGGIN' AWESOME!!! And the people who disagree have problems. I like the way Harry got mad at everything. It shows everyone that Harry has his faults, like all human beings. (Plus, if Harry were real, he'd look cute when he's mad...dare to dream...) I also think that Cho has problems. SHE NEEDS TO STOP CRYING!!! And she needs to make up her stinkin' mind! It aggrevates me to no end the way she latches on to Harry and leads him on, just so she can make him relive the worst night of his life! I can think of a word that rhymes with Cho... I'll give you a hint, it starts with H...hmmmmmmm, mysterious... Well, anyway, I SO cried when Sirius died. Not because he died, but of the way Harry went into complete denial afterwards. *Sniff* So sad. That being said, I am so ready for the next book. Maybe ol' J.K. will get off her butt and..oh, maybe HURRY UP!

    Erin: I think that it was a very good book. And I think it is my favorite of all of them. I think I connected better with Harry since in this book him and I are the same age and that we are both going through stressful times and are sick of being underestimated. Yes ther was alot of anger and rage, but can you blame Harry for blowing up when people won't tell him things he needs to know. He's held in the anger for too long and needs to start expressing him self more. Then maybe he won't blow up quiet as badly. This is just my opion. 



I thought book 5 was the best one yet. I loved the action, and all the emotions. You feel anger, sadness, humor sometimes, and even romance! I felt sorry for Harry when he was yelling sometimes because it seemed to me that Ron and Hermione didn't understand why he was mad, and I know how that feels! It was sooooo sad when Sirius died tho! I was worried the seeing the dead Ron boggart was some kind of foreshadowing tho!! That scared me. Then the brain thingy I thought for sure it was gonna be him! It was still an awesome book tho!


Alyssa: My first impression was that it was VERY different from the other ones. It was a lot more, angry, angsty, depressing. This was kind of interesting, but I got a little tired of poor martyred Harry's temper tantrums. And I REALLY wish Sirius hadn't died, he had the whole bad-boy-dark-mysterious-been-in-azkaban-reckless-hero thing going on. HE should have died a more noble death (if at ALL) if you ask me.  




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