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Things That You Didn't Know You Knew, Or Maybe You Just Didn't Know In The First Place
By: Andrea

This came directly from Andrea, so there may be typos. Enjoy!

* Dumbledore's full name: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (book 5 p.139)
* Dumbledore has a brother, Aberforth. They conventually (can't spell) forgot to say if he is alive or not. (book 5 p.174)
* According to Sirius all pure blood families are some how interrelated to eachother. As we all know Sirius is related to the Malfoys, but Sirius also said that he is related to the Weasleys. This obviously means that (very distantly) Malfoy and Ron, and Fred, and George, etc. are all related. And if i'm not very mistaken  James Potter was a puer blood. Could this mean that just maybe Harry is related to Ron and Draco? Possibly even his own Godfather? (book 5 p.113)
* The Ravenclaw ghost is the Grey Lady. Not really important but i thought I'd say it anyway. Most people wouldn't remember that. (dunno where it came from)

*Colin Creevy is muggle born. He never says this but we can asume it because #1. he is so impresses with every bit of magic (he didn't know pictures moved) and #2. he was attacked in CoS. Well remember Colin has a wizard brother, Dennis. Wat are the chances of two muggles (mom and dad) having TWO wizard children? Like one in a million. I don't think Creevy mentioned anything about his mum so she might be a witch but i doubt it alot. He would of known more about magic if she was. He says his dad is a mail man i think in book 2. Maybe he is one in a million! hehehe. (dunno where it came from, just came to me)
*If u rearrange the letters in Colin Creevy or Dennis Creevy you can almost get Evans out of it! We would have to know their middle names to finish unscrabbling it. Also, he's obsessed with Harry, could he know he's related to him? **doubt it myself** (i just noticed it, it's not like it has a page in a book, not that is should)